Game Development Club Founder

As a founder of the Game Development Club, I helped plan and design club meeting where I would discuss trending videogames and game design components, design lectures for implementing various game mechanics, as well as host club meetings and outreach events to the broader community. Our goals for this club was to demystify the process of creating games and, help empower anyone with any background into making a videogame.

CPU(Computer Peers United) Advisor

CPU is a porgram in the Grinnell Computer Science Department that connects students in introductory classes with peers from upper-level classes to provide support and advice. This support could be academic, interpersonal, and career-oriented, depending on what the students wished to achieve. In this mentoring program, my role was to both be a mentor some students in the introductory level students, providing this support as well as being an Advisor for the program. During my role as an advisor, I helped advertise the program to various Computer Science classes, as well as deciding functional pairs.